“What is really impressive about the collaboration between Noordenbos and her students is the professional standard of their work. The bar is set high.”
— Martin Parr
Corinne Noordenbos is a photographer and educator.
She has a long career as a portrait and documentary photographer working for a variety of editorials. In her own projects, she concentrates on daily matters, often with a personal starting point. Her series of Modern Madonna, was made just after she became a mother herself. Her project about Alzheimer after her mother was diagnosed with the disease. Her work has been exhibited all over the world.
Her contribution to education in the Netherlands has impacted on the development of photography internationally. Her former students are now at the forefront of contemporary practice and the development of the book form can be clearly celebrated in the work of former students like Rob Hornstra, Vivianne Sassen and Wassink Lundgren amongst many others. Corinne has been Head of Photography at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague until April 2015.
Noordenbos was born in Amsterdam where she still lives and works.
She got her education at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and the Rijksacademie in Amsterdam.
As a freelancer she has worked for a large variety of Dutch magazines making portraits and documentaries.
July 1, 2018
Black Country Lungs: photobook
Now available!
Black Country Lungs
ISDN: 978-0-9955062-2-0
Publisher; Multistory
Design: Ben Weaver
Edition 400 of which 100 numbered and signed
€ 25 ex 9 % B.T.W. plus shipping
Order by mail
 exhibition May 28, 2018
Black Country Lungs
Your last chance to see the exhibition of Black Country Lungs in Smethwick, Midlands, UK is this week!
If you are around…..
The Shakespeare Garden
Lightwoods House
Adkins Lane
Bearwood, Smethwick
B67 5 DP
 varia March 13, 2018
Black Country Lungs in Art & Science Festival, Birmingham
Come and join us now or in May in Sandwell for the launching of book and exhibition READ MORE >
 workshop August 23, 2017
Do It With Books; Do It With Others
You are lucky, we had a sudden cancellation!
So take your pick and submit!
Workshop is part of a wonderful festival in sunny Zagreb, with lectures as well of the following colleagues: Pieter Hugo, Anouk kruithof, Christina de Middel and Dana Lixenberg
September 6 tot 9
For details look at ovfestival.org READ MORE >
 field trip November 22, 2016
COPD in Black Country
The COPD project develops! Working now with home visits of patients due to the fantastic cooperation with medical and nursing staff in Sandwell and Walsall and the willingness of patients to share their story with us.
With the help of the outstanding preparation of Becky Sexton, researcher and assistant of Multistory, we can make it in a full week of working.
Masterclass/dinner Campinas Brazil for professional photographers
Acompained by good food prepared by our host studio Galembeck, the participants will be engaged with the construction and evaluation of their professional profile, artist statement and portfolio.
Debate about all dillema's professionals face making their next step.
 lecture September 25, 2016
Valongo Festival Santos Brazil coming up
The preparation of the Valongo Festival is in full swing!
It will be held from Oct 12-16 in Santos, Brazil.
I am very happy to be invited to give a lecture and workshop in this fantastic situated festival!
 field trip May 25, 2016
Black Country for Multistory
Happy to be back working in the Black Country, this time in Wallsall Hospital on COPD conditions.
Thanks to Becky Sexton for the brilliant research and preparation of this trip
 varia April 24, 2016
Royal Honour: Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau
Very proud that I received from the Mayor of Amsterdam the decoration to OFFICER IN THE ORDER OF ORANGE-NASSAU in a festive and cheerful ceremony in the new church in Amsterdam. It was said to be for what they call "my long contrivution to Dutch photography education and promotion of Dutch photography abroad". I am deeple moved by the nomination and the enormous support of so many people. It leeves me speechless!
 workshop May 1, 2015
Visisting lecturer at Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt)
Lecture for the faculty, portfolio seminars and workshop for undergraduates.
Terrific collaboration with Irina Rozovsky and Matthew Connors, very eager students!
 lecture April 24, 2015
Symposium Past Present & Future
Welcome to the symposium on photography, as a farewell to KABK because I will retire READ MORE >
 varia January 25, 2015
Assessment at the KABK
One of the last moments of assessments at the department with the assessment team in the studio READ MORE >
 varia September 12, 2014
Royal Photographic Society gives prestigious award
In a circle of good friends and collegues, I received the Educational Award 2014 in a festive ceremony in London today.
I feel very honored that the Royal Photographic Society has honored a foreign educator for the first time. It means that the Dutch photography now gets international recognition.
 interview July 9, 2014
Podcast De Correspondent
Listen to the interview of Lex Bohlmeier made for De Correspondent READ MORE >
Hoeveel kun je zien in portretten?
Read the article of Joost Zwagerman on the exhibition "Vereeuwigd" in Volkskrant of July,10/Lees het artikel van Joost Zwagerman over de tentoonstelling "Vereeuwigd" in de Volkskrant van 10 juli READ MORE >
 exhibition June 1, 2013
"Vereeuwigd", in het voetspoor van Frans Hals
100 years of portraiture, an exhibition in De Hallen in Haarlem
My images of Alzheimer are part of the exhibition.
Very proud of being in company of so many artists that I admire myself!
About photo books
From time to time Corinne selects a photo book from her collection and discusses it in a short article.
The narrative of WHAT WE WEAR Pieter van den Boogert
"First this happened, and then this, and then this…
This is how we first share narratives as a child. We recount a series of events in the order they occurred. In some ways, this is the most simple way to tell a story and can be the most useful when talking about something complex. For this reason, it is the #narrative structure Pieter van den Boogert used when making “What we wear”. The story deals with the global clothes market. We see the situation in Bangladesh, where the #clothes are produced, the Netherlands where the clothes are used and then Ghana, where they are finally disposed of.
Because of the size and scope of this #story, the simplest possible narrative became the most effective visual strategy. How do you eliminate enough elements of something as complex as the global clothing industry to shape it into a comprehensible story? By being very strict about what is photographed and by making the visual language very tight. This simplicity and cohesiveness is what gives this story and the photobook its natural flow.
The design also enhances this choice of narrative. Pieter’s book used a leporello format, so the pages could be seen both as a double spread and as a panorama. By turning the page, the viewer seamlessly makes a #journey through one country into another. The folding of the book also references children's books, and our initial 'First this happened, and then this, and then this' narrative. After flowing through the book we are compelled to return to the beginning and make the journey again.
I will tell you more about narratives used in photobooks for the coming weeks READ MORE >
TIA LIA Carolina Cattan (2016)
Subtitle of this small booklet that I took home from the Valongo Festival in Santos Brasil, is ‘conto pornográfico’.
Not only are the images wonderfully funny and lighthearted, but also exagarated and playful. The tekst has nothing to do with the imageries, but function as a story in itself. It does give a context though. One that multiplies what is done in the visual!
Ext.-Int. Raimond Wouda (2016)
A good example of a metaphor that gives the opportunity to look at a topic in many ways: landscapes scenes in Holland and Belgium during a film production.
Our notion of romantic landscapes is turned around while a fiction film tries to romanticize reality at the same time.
What a fantastic replenishment to our ideas what our country looks like!
Tom Janssen: "Parade", also aims to show our country from a cultural point of view.
Also look for Loek van Vliet: "Sacred Grounds, Quiet Areas in the Netherlands and Flanders = Heilige gronden, Stiltegebieden in Nederland en Vlaanderen", if you enjoy the real notion of romanticism